Monday, April 23, 2012

The Value of Sport in the UK (Economic Impact)

The 21.4 billion pounds which was spent in 2008 on sport components such as sport clothing, footwear, equipment, publications, boats, participants, gambling, spectators, television, DVD’s, travel, health, fitness etc. if this was not spent on all these sport components it would have been used on something less beneficial whereas due to using this money on sport related components its making sport more popular and leads to more people participating in sport eventually due to all the money that is spent on sport this makes the UK a much more sporty country which helps people benefit in many ways such ass less people are unfit their life expectancy rates will increase, and it will decrease the amount of obese people in the UK this will also decrease the amount of people who are getting admitted in to hospital due to health issues such as blood pressure etc. this means the government will be saving the amount they spend on treatment and medication for people.

In 2008 21.4 billion pounds was the rate of sport related expenditure this included clothing, footwear, gambling sport spectating etc. as you can see on the pie chart above there was only £535000000 out of the 21.4 billion spent on people who are participating in sport which is a very small amount compared to the other components that are spent more on this shows how there are more people buying sport related clothing but less people participating in sport which shows people wear sport related clothing for everyday wear and leisure wear not necessarily for sports. The amount that is spent on sport equipment is £1626400000 this is a large amount which shows a lot of people use sport equipment for sport activities this being a large amount is a positive aspect due to the fact that a lot of people play sports in their own leisure time or are in need of sport equipment which speaks for it self.

Consumer spending decreased in 2002-2004 and in 2004-2005 the same happened but there’s was a rapid incline in the amount of consumer percentage

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